Friday, October 12, 2007


Today is Friday. TGIF. As my husband prepares to meet with his friends for lunch; something he does each Fri as many of you know as your husband's also attend at times; I'm thinking back to my days in Illinois. My high school friends and I would meet the second Thur of each month at 11:30 for lunch. A good time to "remember" and eat. This worked wonderful for all of us and when I first moved back to IL and one of my HS friends told me about the luncheons I felt it was such a wonderful idea and was anxious to talk with friends I had not seen for years - some since I had graduated (I know, I know - you're thinking "they are still alive". Not always could all of us attend, sometimes it was only two, but still we had a wonderful time. Each time we met, we decided where/which restaurant we would meet the next month. Soooo as my husband prepared to leave, I'm thinking (can you smell the smoke?) would any of my BLOGGER buds like to do something like this. For my IL friends, it was easier to do it on a specific day and week, as we could plan around this date. What do you think? Any thoughts?


rhondamarie said...

that sounds good to me. just tell me when and where.

Meems said...

I would love to go, but it really would ruin the relaxing atmosphere of the event. ex...screaming and crying.

marme said...

would love to!

Nanna's Place said...

Sounds great....let me know when and where.