Friday, October 26, 2007

Blab and Gab Thingee

OK ya all - Thursday evening, 7:00 at Cheddars, 1 November 2007. Ready for an evening to Blab and Gab? If you know of others that do not blog but want to join us, please invite them. I just think it will be fun to get together once a month for a BLAB AND GAB THINGEE. If you would be so sweet to notify me if you will be able to attend and if you know of others that are also going to join us, it would be wonderful. I'm to call that day to tell them how many so they can be ready for us. They do not do reservations. If there are some that are just "readers" of the BLOG and you want to attend, you can let me know at church, or call me - our number is in the church directory as well as the phone book.

Thanks bunches, see ya!


Mom said...

Hi Julie! That sounds like a lot of fun. I wish I could go too.Maybe one of theses days I will get to come see you and then I can go blab and gab too. Hope you and Merril are doing good. Your brother and I are fine. Miss our little get togethers too. Not much news here. Just thought I would put my 2 cents in on your blog. Love you, Neva

Mom said...

Julie, I'm trying to change my mom account to neva. I'm not much up on all this stuff so please bear with me. Love Ya, Neva

Meems said...

I am going to do my best to come. I also told CG about it, but I don't know if she's going to get to come or not. My party date got changed, but N. has the aftershock he's in charge of so I would have to bring the kids.

Is that o.k. If so, we will likely be their.

marme said...

I'll be there!

rhondamarie said...

i'll be there