Monday, August 13, 2007


Lots of hurting children - big, little and in between. You all know what it is to hurt and to have wounds - sometimes the wounds leave scars. Scars don't usually hurt but are reminders; sometimes good and sometimes bad reminders. For a long time our family had hurts, wounds and it didn't seem to go away; about the time a hurt began to scab over, it would get ripped open again. Ever have that happen? This went on for years and at times I would pray that God would just give us a breath of fresh air and in some way, He would. Never did I doubt that God was in control and He alone would take care of the situation; that is the kind of God we serve - a never failing one. About six years ago while praying and crying out to God, something came to me and I'm sure it was not from the devil!!! Let me tell you what I believe came from God. I knew that I was in God's presence and could feel His love and in my "knower" came the knowledge that I was to take these hurts, wounds and all this garbage and put it in a "by faith" garbage bag and put it at the foot of the cross. BY FAITH, that is exactly what I did and prayed that the bag would only be opened when I needed to dump in more garbage; NEVER to take any of this filth out! Let me tell you something - in a very short time, this situation has totally reversed and I knew it was GOD. Nothing I had done, nothing man had done, BUT GOD! So to my precious BLOGGER sisters (and brothers?) if you have a situation that hurts and you don't know what to do, I would suggest to you that by faith, get a garbage bad and do a big dump.


Meems said...

Thank you for the words of wisdom. I like your since of humor mixed with words of experience. Glad you are in blogger world.

F. F said...

Isn't God good!!! That is just what God wants us to do.
Thanks for sharing with us.