Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to you all. We arrived back in San Angelo yesterday afternoon; as always it's good to be home. We have so very much to be thankful for, not only today but always. First of all I'm so thankful that my Father placed me in a loving home with my uncle and aunt and they taught me about Jesus. My husband is certainly a gift from the Lord; my three sons are precious jewels as are their wives. My grandchildren, my angels, are certainly more precious than gold! Most of all I thank the Lord for His salvation plan and that He loves me beyond a love that I can comprehend. I want to serve Him for the rest of my days; being as close to Him as I possibly can - right up under his arm pit, close to His heart. God bless you all and I love the whole bunch of you and am so thankful that God brought us to SA. Hugs - Me

Friday, November 9, 2007

Dream? Vision?

Today is 9 November 2007. This morning between 2:00 and 2:30 a.m. I had something happen that has never happened before. I believe it was while I was actually asleep that I saw Jesus. He was in a white garment, and his hand was on a curtain or drape. He had dark hair, but his face was hazy and I could not see it. The words I heard were “Come on in my child”. I, then awoke. I had such excitement rolling inside of me because during this encounter I could feel His love such as I had never ever known. I didn’t jump up and down or run up and down the hallway; but my insides were totally excited. As I lay thinking about this “happening” I went back in thought to the times when our sons were in college and we knew they would be coming home. I would go to Edward’s room upstairs and watch out the back window for car lights. We lived in the country and not many cars traveled this road late at night. When I would see a car coming, I would watch to see if it turned to come up towards the road to our house; if it did, I would then watch for a flash of lights to see if it was actually coming towards our house. If this happened, I would then go to the front window and watch to see if the car turned into our driveway. When I would finally see those car lights coming in our drive, I would run downstairs, going to the front door ready to give that boy a tight hug with such gladness, because “my boy” was home. Today those boys are men, but when we know they are coming home, I watch the front door and listen to the back door not knowing which entrance they will come. When I hear them, I’m out the door for hugs for everyone; such happiness at seeing my family - big and little. I meditated on this and thought how happy Jesus must be to see one of his children come home. I don’t know what this dream/vision means, but I will never forget it as long as I live. Oh what excitement at seeing Jesus!!!

Friday, November 2, 2007

Blab and Gab Thingee

If you were unable to attend the "Blab and Gab Thingee" last night, you missed out on a lot of fun. Thirteen of us showed up and what a fun time we had! I want to say a big THANK YOU to the ones that were able to attend. We will be meeting the 6th of December, 7:00 at the Red Lobster Restaurant. If you can, come join us at the Blab and Gab Thingee! Plan on having a good time and getting to know someone you may not know!